There are many benefits to being a member of the Cognashene Cottagers' Association including:
- A winter patrol check of cottages three times during the winter, for damages or break-ins;
- Water quality testing each year
- CCA Environment Day with special guests and topics relating to specific Cognashene environmental issues
- And certainly not the least of all, a voice in township, provincial and federal governments
Programs and Events
- Enjoy the fabulous arts and crafts of local artisans at the annual "Art on the Rocks"
- Comprehensive children's Recreation Program
- Annual Regatta for the whole family, organized by member volunteers
- Invitations to attend special events with Georgian Bay focused speakers through GBA, GBF, GBLT and more
- Regular publications: quarterly CCA Newsletter and GBA Update
- Membership directory and Cottage Map
- "The Cottager" magazine which highlights the summer, including articles and photographs submitted by CCA members
If you are ready and wish to complete an application at this time:
Download the MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM, fill it out and then either submit it electronically or mail it (along with the appropriate membership fee) to the address published in the form.
All applications submitted electronically will receive a confirming email within 5 days providing final instruction on how to finalize your membership and make payment electronically.