The Cogneshene Community Environment Plan

Separating out the environment out at the cottage is as hard as it is integral in all that the cottage is and all that we enjoy. The environment is constantly changing and adapting to natural and human-induced changes. To protect it in the long term, we all need to be aware of its strengths and its fragility. Changes come from the weather, from natural cycles, and from our actions.

As stewards of the Bay, we need to be aware of some of those interactions and how we can help the Bay in the most sustainable way possible. There are ooddles of experience, knowledge and expertise within the Cognashene community.

As Director of the Enviroment, my goal is for all of us, of all ages, to share our love, knowledge and insights into the Bay and its flora (plants) and fauna (animals). If you have an area of interest or expertise that you would like to share with the community through the website, the newsletter, or environment day, please feel free to contact

For more detailed information about the enviroment, click the links below:

Water Rangers Webinar      |      Summer Ambassadors      |      Water Levels     |      The Council of the Great Lakes Region (CGLR)     |      Water Quality Invasive Species     |     Ongoing Research     |      Environment Links