Planning and the Planning portfolio is not a one man job and we frequently rely on a committee of dedicated individuals that share a common interest in both the protection and preservation of this unique area of Georgian Bay we call Cognashene.
The Cognashene Planning Advisory Group (CPAG) is not static and consists of both short term and long-term members. We even have ex-officio members who bring legal and planning expertise to our group.
The portfolio at times straddles the Municipal Affairs portfolio yet, more often than not, it deals with property owners as they plan additions, rebuilds, severances, boathouses etc.. CPAG gets involved in every planning application that is not in compliance with the Cognashene by-laws. Our job is difficult and the tightrope we walk is often controversial yet the community continues to endorse our efforts as evidenced in the recent membership survey.
The premise behind our meddling, as some people may characterize our efforts, is best captured in the quotes below.
"At every stage in the planning process there are provisions
for public involvement. What is more, the public has the responsibility for ensuring
that the proper decisions are made. It is up to each and every one of us to make
sure that the land-use decisions that are made are in the best interests of our
communities and our futures."
Heather Watson, EcoVue Consulting Services Inc. published in the
FOCA Guide to Stewardship of Ontario's Waters
"A cottage on the lake should not distract from the lake.
From a distance, the shore should remain as it is."
Arthur Zeidler, Architect From Cottage Life, October 2009 issue
We welcome all comments and, more importantly, welcome your involvement on our committee. To discuss a project you are planning or to get involved, email Ian Davis at communityplanning@cognashene.com.