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ART ON THE ROCKS© began in 1991 on “Aunt Edna’s Island/Artists Island” in the Hangdog
Channel in Cognashene. The year after a very windy show day, in 1997 it was moved to Maxwell/Whalen Island on the main Muskoka landing Channel. (M42 on CCA map or GPS
44o55’17.7”N 79o55’00.1”W).
ART ON THE ROCKS© is the Cognashene Community's summer art gallery, showcasing the
work of local artists and artisans. It's the perfect opportunity for the community to get
together with talented artists and artisans who express their love of Georgian Bay. The
exhibition is generally held on the last Sunday in July, a week before Simcoe Day
weekend. The Cognashene Cottagers Association sponsored the 30th Art-on-the-Rocks© on July 30,
2023 after a 3-year hiatus due to Covid and in 2022 there predicted all day
Art-on-the-Rocks© is a rain, wind or shine event and we have had it all, but major lightning is not
good for boating. The event is a great way to catch up with Georgian Bay family and friends, renew
acquaintances with several of the original Art-on-the Rock's exhibitors, and meet new
artists/crafters who will join with us to add the fruits of their imagination and talent to a great
summer day in Cognashene, Sunday July 28 2024!
One of the goals each year is to attract new talented artists, which keeps the event growing
stronger and more exciting. The CCA board and the organizers of AOTR decided this year to
concentrate on artists who could provide their own transportation. There are an incredible
number of very talented artists and artisans who either cottage or boat in the area as well as those
who are friends of community members.
If you're interested in exhibiting in this year's ART ON THE ROCKS© the cost to participate
is $95.
If you are interested in participating or know someone is who is a talented artist,
please contact Catherine Gillespie (text or call 716.517.0855) or AOTR@COGNASHENE.COM.
If you're interested in exhibiting in this year's Art on the Rocks, complete the ONLINE
Ryestone Cup on August 10, 2024
The First Cognashene Invitational Sailing Regatta was held on July 25, 1970. More than 50 years later, this fabulous community tradition continues as sailors compete annually for the sought after Ryestone Cup, Fleet Trophy and Junior Ralph Benson (RB) Winlo Trophy. Participants of all ages are welcome to bring out a Laser, Albacore, Lightning, Hobie or anything that sails. We encourage our younger sailors to sign out a Pico from the Recreation Program and join in on the action. Volunteers for the committee boat and cheering section are always welcome. As per tradition, hot dogs will accompany our winners, participants and supporters at the awards ceremony. Mark your calendars for the next Ryestone Cup to be held on August 10, 2024!
Stay tuned. There are more pictures and stories to come »
Once a week (usually), during the summer months (generally), the "Ladies of Cognashene" get together for a bit of informal socializing. The location changes weekly, the crew showing up at the dock is never the same, and in true "Mother Nature" style, you just never know what kind of weather you may need to boat through to reach this weekly destination. One thing you can always be sure of will have fun!
These gatherings has been evolving over many years and quite often the invitations reach further afield. Friends have been hosted from Go Home Bay as well as Honey Harbour, and once in a while a wonderful vender will show up selling their, clothing, beauty products, accessories.
Many may consider an island, or water access only, cottage community to be one of solitude and seclusion. Cognashene is anything but. With all the activities that get planned over the summer (and a few winter) months, as well at these weekly parties, there is always something going on. That said, if a bit of quiet is what you are after... just raise your glass instead of clink!
Check out the accompanying photos of gatherings small and large, some from years ago and others taken just this past summer. For more information, feel free to email Nancy Bennett.